#TBUG Team Beachbody Meal Planer

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Team Beachbody Ultimate Guide - Checkout the Meal Planner!

My Meal Planner

Team Beachbody's meal planner is just one of the many tools available to you with your Team Beachbody Club Membership. It takes all the guesswork out of deciding what and how much to eat to accomplish your goals. Team Beachbody makes it easy to plan everything you’re going to eat, so you’ll always have delicious food that supports your fitness and your weight loss program. You can figure out your personal nutrition requirements, build and print out menus and shopping lists, and make sure you have plenty of variety so you’ll never get bored.

Choose your new meal plan with the Meal Plan Wizard

New! Our updated meal planner is more customizable than ever, with lots of extra features that make it even easier to lose weight and get fit. In order to use these features, you'll need to select a plan (even if you had one previously). Use the Meal Plan Wizard to choose your plan, or self-select if you already know which plan you want and your daily calorie requirements.

Meal Plan Wizard

The best way to select a plan is with the Meal Plan Wizard. By asking a few simple questions, it'll determine the kinds of food and daily calorie levels that are ideal for your fitness and weight loss goals, especially if you're using a Beachbody workout program. (You'll still be able to select a different plan if you want. And whichever plan you choose, you'll be able to personalize it with your favorite foods.)

Self select your meal plan

If you already know the kind of meals you'll want and the number of calories you'll need each day, select one of the four basic plans below. You'll still be able to customize it with your favorite foods and other preferences. Choose from Balanced Slim Down, Low-Carb Express Plan, Power Vegetarian Plan and Active Lifestyle Plan.

Ready for a Team Beachbody Membership? http://bit.ly/1y51eOK

Get Fit and Have Fun Doing It!

Proper nutrition should be at the top of your list of priorities when you're trying to get fit and lose weight. Get a grip on your diet and you'll see results before you know it! But if you're ready to make a serious commitment give one of Beachbody's fitness programs a try. Fill out the form below and I'll help you pick one that's right for you. Don't worry, there's a program for every fitness level and interest so you won't dread working out every day and you certainly won't beat yourself up in the process. If you want, I'll include you in my monthly online accountability groups, or challenge groups. This is my favorite part of Team Beachbody! Seriously, it's just a bunch of gals who get together via a PRIVATE Facebook group. We post about our workouts and clean eating, we exchange recipes and beauty tips, have contests and prizes and basically GET FIT and HAVE FUN doing it!

Go ahead...Fill out this form to get in on all the FUN!

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