Summer Slim-Down Countdown!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

We have less than 12 weeks until June 1st, the unofficial start of summer vacation! I don’t know about you, but seeing all the new summer clothes and bathing suits in the stores is kind of bitter sweet. I love the thought of wearing a new sundress or bathing suit but I hate imagining how I might look!

12 weeks is not really that long. Here’s a fact: it takes 21 days to create a new habit, 4 weeks for you to start noticing clothes fitting a little better, 8 weeks to really see that change and 12 weeks for others to notice!

So by making the commitment to start now and stick with it you can really improve your health and be ready to look and feel your best this time in June. If you really want to transform yourself it won’t happen overnight so don’t wait until May and try some fad diet to lose the weight quick. It doesn’t work that way. Losing weight and improving your health and well-being permanently is a process, not a fad. It takes time and patience. I’ve tried every fad diet and medical weight loss clinic there is over and over and failed every time. So take it from my experience PLEASE, and trust me on this one. If you want to look and feel your best and stay healthy for good, commit to a process – not a diet! The process is simple: 

Fitness + Nutrition + Support = Results

What are you waiting for?

I am getting ready to kick off my Spring into Fitness Support and Accountability Group on the 16th of March and another group again in April. My goal is help other women like me transform themselves just in time for summer without feeling stressed out or restricted. I’ll show you how to replace bad habits with healthy ones. Remember, this transformation is for good. It’s a lifestyle change for a new and improved you it’s NOT a diet! No pills, no starvation, just good ol’ back to basics with clean eating, exercise and support from your friends. I want to show you how to:

  • Fit exercise in with your busy schedule
  • Advanced meal planning and preparation can be easy and budget friendly
  • Make good choices every day that will improve your long term well-being
  • Manage the daily chaos and find more time for yourself

So it’s time to package it neatly into a little ball of awesomeness! Let’s just start with 21 days. Can you commit to 21 days? Each day you will complete a 30 minute workout and check into a private Facebook group for daily accountability. If you’re not into Facebook I will have an option for you to use a free app instead.

Are you Ready?

If this sounds like something that you are interested in just click this button and fill out a short questionnaire that will tell me a little more about you and what your goals are.
Then I’ll get back to you with some suggestions about how the challenge group works and selecting the right challenge pack for you. A challenge pack is simply all the tools you need to complete a 30 day program. It’s a complete package that you receive that includes a 30, 60 or 90 day fitness program packages, meal planning guides, and any accessories you need to complete the program. It also includes a 30 day supply of Shakeology, a meal replacement shake that we use to ensure that everyone in the group is getting the recommended daily amounts of nutrients to complete the program.

Please contact me if you have any questions about BeachBody or our programs and products.
