6 Tips to help you get the best results from Country Heat

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Country Heat is a fun  way to get fit and lose weight while dancing to your favorite country music. Here are 6 tips to help you get the best results. Email coach Brenda Ajay for more information coachbrendaajay@gmail.com
When most people think about country line dancing, they usually think about having fun with some friends, dancing their worries away and recreation - not fitness. But it is possible to get great results, lose weight and tighten and tone with dance when you follow the right program. Country Heat, a new country music inspired dance workout, was designed by Autumn Calabrese to make working out more fun. Her goal for Country Heat was to create a program that would transform people's bodies without the feeling like they were working out. “That’s exactly what makes Country Heat so powerful — you’re going to have so much fun doing it, you won’t even realize that you’re burning tons of calories and working your entire body,” says Autumn. While you may have failed to finish other programs before, Country Heat will make you want to keep coming back for more.
Country Heat is a fun  way to get fit and lose weight while dancing to your favorite country music. Here are 6 tips to help you get the best results. Email coach Brenda Ajay for more information coachbrendaajay@gmail.com
Workouts are just 30-minutes long and they're full of energy, yet low-impact and easy enough for anyone to follow. You don't need to invest in any equipment and you don't need a lot of room, just a comfortable pair of shoes and a willingness to commit to a 30-day program.
The biggest reason why Country Heat is so effective is because it is a complete lifestyle program. Besides the 30-minutes of dance fitness every day, the program also follows the same color coded portion control meal system as 21 Day Fix, and a great support system to make sure you complete the program and see results.

Although Country Heat is meant to be fun, it's also a total body cardio workout and it's challenging enough for people of all levels of fitness. Here are 5 tips to help you get the best results from Country Heat:

1. Push Yourself with Every Move

As with any workout plan, you should always challenge yourself and perform the most difficult exercises with control and good form. You can follow Autumn's lead in every exercise, but if you feel like find you're not able to keep up simply follow the modifier. The modifier is a dancer in each routine who is simplifying the moves a bit. It will be less complicated, but it will target the same muscles. “The key is to challenge yourself,” says Calabrese. “If you push yourself, and have fun while you’re doing it, you will see results.”

Country Heat is a fun  way to get fit and lose weight while dancing to your favorite country music. Here are 6 tips to help you get the best results. Email coach Brenda Ajay for more information coachbrendaajay@gmail.com

2. Follow the Eating Plan

“You can’t out-exercise a bad diet,” says Calabrese. If you want to see results you must manage your nutrition. To make that as easy as possible, Autumn Calabrese created an eating plan based on the same portion-control system she has used in other fitness programs,  21 Day Fix and The Master’s Hammer and Chisel. But for Country Heat, she spiced it up with country-inspired recipes that make losing weight more delicious than ever.

3. Drink Shakeology

Country Heat is a fun  way to get fit and lose weight while dancing to your favorite country music. Here are 6 tips to help you get the best results. Email coach Brenda Ajay for more information coachbrendaajay@gmail.com
Shakeology is not required for this program but it will help you achieve the best possible results. Simply replace one meal each day with Shakeology or use it as a snack and it will help you fight off cravings, keep you feeling full and give you the necessary vitamins and minerals you need to complete your nutrition for the day.

4. Be Consistent

The dance moves are very easy but there’s a progression to them—they become more complex as you work your way through the program. The more consistent you are with your workouts, the faster you’ll master the moves. “That consistency is also the key to reaching your fitness goals,” says Autumn. “If you want to see results, you can’t skip workouts—you have to be committed and consistent.”

5. Watch the Breakdowns

Each workout in the paid program comes with a 15-minute primer to help you learn the moves. “Yes, it’s an extra 15 minutes, but each workout is only a half hour, so we’re still only talking about a total of 45 minutes, which is shorter than a typical gym workout,” says Calabrese. “And those 15-minutes will be well spent — the more proficient you are with the moves before you begin the workout, the more you’ll get from it.”

6. Join a Challenge Group

Online challenge groups are the most convenient way to get fit and stay fit. Studies show that people who exercise with support from friends are more likely to finish their exercise program, achieve better results and are able to maintain their fitness longer. But let's face it, it's not always easy to find someone to workout with and sometimes it's just not comfortable working out in front of other people, even people who are close to you. Online challenge groups give you the opportunity to workout the way you want to, at your own pace and in the comfort of your own space. Simply check in to the online portal throughout the day the let the group know how you're doing. You'll get tips, motivation, recipes, meal plans and all the support you'll need to complete the program and get great results!

Ready to kick up the Country Heat with us? Join our next online challenge group in August and receive Country Heat for free when you purchase a one month supply of Shakeology.
Joining is easy, start by filling out this form or email me at coachbrendaajay@gmail.com

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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